Sunday, May 15, 2016

Thoughts I have while swimming in a hotel pool

Thoughts I have while swimming in a hotel pool:

  1. This pool is huge for a hotel!
  2. And I have it all to myself!! Yes!!
  3. Man, is it shallow!!
  4. Man, is it cold!
  5. I think I'll swim some laps.
  6. I can't do flip turns in water this shallow or I'll knock myself out on the floor.
  7. Maybe I'll do a lap of each IM stroke!
  8. I forgot how hard butterfly is.
  9. Seriously, how can  like 10 yards of butterfly make me this exhausted?
  10. I forgot how terrible I am at breast stroke. My knees don't bend right for this!
  11. Why do I do IM sets when I'm terrible at half the strokes?
  12. Maybe I'll do a hot tub set!
  13. Man, is this hot tub shallow!
  14. I can sit on the floor in here and still breathe it's so shallow.
  15. Man, they really could turn the heat up in this hot tub.
  16. Too bad I don't have ten other people with me to run in circles in the pool and try to make a whirlpool.
  17. Too bad I don't have ten other people here to play foot tag with me.
  18. I'm turning blue from cold, time to get out.
  19. Where do they get such tiny towels?
  20. Where do they get such scratchy towels?
  21. Why do the pool towels always have a blue stripe? Why not green or orange or polka dots?
  22. Let's do this again tomorrow before check out!

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